How to get into MIT. Invest in education

stats con chris


We show the 10 steps that every high school student must follow to get into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). We focus on international students. As an example we consider the case of Peru. The information is still relevant to those living in the US.

We show the 10 steps that every high school student must follow to get into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). We focus on international students. As an example we consider the case of Peru. The information is still relevant to those living in the US.

MIT is considered one of the most prestigious institutes in the world, therefore, being able to study there requires a greater effort from your side because the admission process is highly competitive. Located in the state of Massachusetts, a 25-minute walk from downtown Boston, MIT, strictly speaking, is in Cambridge; however, it is often said that it is in Boston because Cambridge belongs to the Greater Boston region.

In this article I want to show you that although the admission process is highly competitive, you just need to follow 10 steps to increase your chances of being admitted. I have divided the article into two parts, in the first part we discuss the first 4 steps, and in the second part, we talk about the remaining 6 steps. Click on the corresponding button to continue reading:

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stats con chris

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