Forecasts from March 2019 to January 2021

stats con chris 2022-04-30 0

Of all the forecasts given between March 2019 and January 2021, we show in how many of them we were right. The article is divided in 3 parts: i) ...

How to make explosive gains in the stock market

stats con chris 2022-04-30 0

I share with you the 7 reasons that allowed me to make strong gains with Snapchat and Pinterest. These reasons are part of an introduction to the ...

The stock market. A complete explanation for beginners

stats con chris 2022-04-30 0

We explain how the stock market works considering an analogy with the real estate. We define concepts such as the initial public offering, the book order, ...

Differences between the stock exchanges of Japan and the United States

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

We share the 6 most important technical differences between the stock exchanges of Japan and the United States. Moreover, we show how the customs of a country ...

Steps to start investing in the US Stock Market

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

We show how to open a TD Ameritrade account as a foreigner in order to start investing in the US stock market. This account will allow ...

How to be a millionaire with stocks during a financial crisis

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

We show the ranking of the companies that exhibited dramatic growth in the stock market during the 2020 crisis. These companies were mainly focused on COVID-19. We ...

The most efficient method to learn English: Cultural exchange

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

We explain what a cultural exchange program is and share the benefits that it can provide besides learning English, for example, it can give you access ...

How to get into MIT. Invest in education

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

We show the 10 steps that every high school student must follow to get into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). We focus on international students. As ...

How to make profits with bad investments

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

Considering Facebook and Twitter, we show with real data how to handle bad investments.

How does a capital increase of a public company work

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

We explain how the capital increase works considering the rights issue and show with mathematics the advantages and disadvantages of being part of it.

Make money with dividends. The secret

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

We explain what dividends are and provide examples considering companies such as Renault, Shell, Capgemini, and Washington Prime Group.

Football: bookmaker versus the stock market

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

I share with you 5 reasons why it is better to bet the Champions League matches on the stock market than on the bookmaker. For this, I ...

Forecasts from July 2017 to February 2019

stats con chris 2022-04-27 0

Of all the forecasts given from July 2017 to February 2019, we show in how many of them we were right. The article is divided in 5 parts: i) ...

Japanese candlesticks. A complete explanation for beginners

stats con chris 2022-04-24 0

We explain what a Japanese candlestick is. We discuss the two-color and the six-color candlesticks. To do so, we take as an example Juventus shares and ...

How to exchange currencies during a global crisis

stats con chris 2022-04-23 0

We explain how the world currencies fluctuate during a financial crisis. As an example we consider the event that arose in the year 2020: The coronavirus. The ...

How to make money exchanging currencies. The secret of forex

stats con chris 2022-04-21 0

We explain how to make money exchanging currencies. We talk about the EUR/PEN and the USD/PEN exchange rates. Considering the latter, we obtain profits ...


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