12 interesting facts about living in the United States

stats con chris


I share with you the 12 most interesting facts about living in the United States. In particular I focus on facts related to the state of California. This is a personal opinion so it may differ from others.

I share with you the 12 most interesting facts about living in the United States. In particular I focus on facts related to the state of California. This is a personal opinion so it may differ from others.

I've been fortunate to live in the United States, and what is better, to do it not only once, but multiple times throughout my life; therefore, what is written here reflects the opinion of someone who has had a lot of experiences in this wonderful side of the world.

The 12 most interesting facts are:

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Schools: They pay a lot of attention to sports. Moreover, although the academic level is lower than that of private schools in Latin America, they offer advanced elective courses. These courses, besides providing the students with a more advanced education, allow them not only to have greater chances to be admitted in a prestigious university but also to validate credits for the first year.
Universities: The campus is open to everybody. This allows anybody to attend classes as a free student. Moreover, US has the most prestigious universities in the world, e.g., the state of Massachusetts has MIT and Harvard, while the state of California has Caltech, Stanford and Berkeley.
Vaccines against COVID-19: In contrast to other countries, during the COVID pandemic, it was very easy to get vaccinated in the US. They had three vaccines: Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna. These were available for free in every CVS and Walgreens.
Poverty: It is one of the biggest problems of the country. For example, there are places in Los Angeles where people live in tents on the streets.
California: It is a state that has it all, for example, it has Hollywood, Disney, Universal Studios, Silicon Valley, prestigious universities, beaches, mountains and national parks. Moreover, from Los Angeles one arrives in 4 hours to Las Vegas and in 7 hours to the Grand Canyon. Also, it has a warm climate and its geographical location makes it a place very close to Japan and to Latin America at the same time.
Highways: Driving in the US is very difficult because highway lanes are diverted to new routes and these new routes are partitioned into more routes.
The gas station: You are in charge of putting gas in your car, and cleaning your windows. There is no staff that provides these services.
Tesla: 2020 data indicate that California holds 45% of electric cars in the US. Moreover, if we count all the electric cars in the country, these barely add up to 2% of the total number of cars. The funny thing is that out of that 2%, Tesla cars represent 80%. This allows us to predict that even if Tesla loses control of the electric car market in the coming years, it will continue to grow because this market in the coming years will be much higher than 2%.
Latinos: The states that have the highest ratio of Latinos are California, Texas, and New Mexico. In the latter, almost 50% of the people are Latinos (2020 census), but out of them, less than a third speak Spanish, and this is because they belong to newer generations.
The measurement system: It is different from most countries in the world. The temperature is measured in Fahrenheit, speed in miles per hour, weight in pounds, and height in feet.
Food: Hispanic children are taller than their parents. This is due to the fact that the food in the US is richer than in Latin America and also to the fact that the US pays a lot of attention to sports. The paradox with the former is that junk food is abundant in the country, but children still benefit from it because they process fat quickly. In contrast, adults cannot handle this food and that's why obesity has a high rate.
The stock market: The US Stock Market is the most powerful in the world, therefore, investing in the US will necessarily give greater profits. One big advantage for those who live in the US is that the capital gain tax is lower than if you invest as a foreigner. Moreover, residents have more investment options.

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stats con chris

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