Living in Japan. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

stats con chris


I share with you an episode of my life that reflects a normal day in Japan. I focus on the meals of the day. We discover some differences between living in Japan and in the western world. Moreover, we see how much money I spent on meals.

I share with you an episode of my life that reflects a normal day in Japan. I focus on the meals of the day. We discover some differences between living in Japan and in the western world. Moreover, we see how much money I spent on meals.

Tokyo - 8:30 AM. The alarm rings. I open my eyes and the first thing that comes to my mind is the fact that yesterday I quit my job. I did it with some regret, but it was needed. I don't want to tell you the reasons yet, today I just want to enjoy this day as if it were a normal day, rejoice for what I have and do not think of what I lost. I change my cloths and wash my face and I'm outside, with a small camera that is in fact my phone. Filming is not my talent, I know. I prefer to write; however, today I want to keep a visual memory of what a normal day looks like in Japan. My first destination must be Matsuya, a Japanese fast food chain focused on Gyudon, which is rice and meat served in a bowl.

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9:05 AM. I have ordered salmon. I love Matsuya because they offer a super breakfast that looks like a lunch, they serve you rice, salad, and the typical miso soup of Japan. One detail to note is that here the egg is eaten uncooked, sometimes it is spread on the meat and other times it is mixed with rice. I have no problem with that, my taste has no nation at all.

9:30 AM. The breakfast was great. I'm walking in the direction of the konbini 7-Eleven. Konbini is a word in Nihonglish that comes from convenience shop in English, that is, a convenient store because it offers products that we may need on a daily basis. I'm going to buy a bottle of tea, very popular in the eastern world. Unlike in China, the tea bottles here are sold without sugar, that makes them very healthy and possibly that is why the data indicates that people in Japan are more healthy than in many other countries... While I  decided  to have breakfast in Matsuya, others choose to have it directly at the konbini shop. The usual thing to buy is an onigiri, which is a rice ball. To tell the truth, nigiri in Japanese is rice ball and the o is added to give to the word a certain presence. Very similar to what I did in the previous paragraph when calling a special breakfast a  super breakfast, that is, if English would adopt this Japanese rule, it would be enough to call it obreakfast...

12:30 PM. It is lunch time. A slight nostalgia invades my body. These streets will soon be out of my daily life. I turn on the camera and start filming from RIKEN, Rikagaku Kenkyusho: Japan's most prestigious research institute. Today I will go to the canteen as if it were the last day. I don't think the cooks will forget about me, because I've always been the last one to leave the place and the only one to order a double portion. The double portion is because I eat a lot. And if I have always been the last to leave, it is because my lunch hour starts after 1. Japanese people prefer to eat at 12 and that is why at 2 they are already turning off the lights. Because of this, every afternoon the obaachan cook gets angry and yells at me hayaku. It is just a ritual where I gladly answer gomenne. Two words comprise this little ritual, me apologizing for being late and she telling me to eat much faster. Then the next day we laugh when we see each other again because we know that this ritual will be repeated. The other cooks laugh too. Obaachan is elderly woman in Japanese, when I see her I see my grandmother and that is why I like to call her obaachan. Today I will eat Chinjao rosu, which is a mix of beef and pepper, and its origin is Chinese. It will be a pleasant afternoon. Just for today I arrived before 1. Probably the ritual with the obaachan will not happen.

21:20 PM. I've stayed in the office late. This is not mandatory. I did it because I wanted to help my friend. His name is Mingran. He is from China. It was him who told me to go to Toshima's theater to see the Death Note play. This experience was written in the article: "Death Note. The day I met the manga characters in Tokyo." Whenever we gather together we talk about the future of his nation. I like to hear him because I will use that information in the future, whether to invest in Shanghai, Shenzhen or Hong Kong. Today we have chosen to dine at Gusto, a restaurant that sells Japanese and Western food. I'm going to lean towards pasta.

23:00 PM. I ate a lot. Mingran already left. I'm alone. When I eat a lot I prefer to walk in the park and think. Today I will think of Germany. Of Bavaria. Of Munich... I'll be there soon and I don't know what will happen, all I know is that today I spent 3633 JPY on food, 30 EUR approx. How much would it be over there? I'll be able to answer this soon...

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stats con chris

A writer who learned to add

A writer who learned to add


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