Basic codes written to improve your WordPress website

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A list of WordPress codes that were used to used to create the first version of is given. These codes were used to improve the loading speed and to have a more dynamic interface. Most of them were developed by us to get rid of unnecessary plugins that take up a lot of space.

A list of WordPress codes that were used to used to create the first version of is given. These codes were used to improve the loading speed and to have a more dynamic interface. Most of them were developed by us to get rid of unnecessary plugins that take up a lot of space.

WordPress plugins are well-known for improving the quality of a website without having programming skills. Those plugins that used in its first version are listed in the article: "Basic plugins to improve your WordPress website." Although improving a website with just one click is a great advantage, the disadvantage of plugins is that most of them reduce the page loading speed. Therefore, it is better to write your own code and reduce the amount of plugins installed. For this reason, here we share the codes that the first version of used to improve the design and the functionality of the website. A summary of this article with some extra info appears in the following video:

(This video is not yet available)

This article is divided in two parts. The first part is devoted to the styling; therefore, the codes presented there make use of HTML/CSS. The second part is aimed at improving the performance and the loading speed of a website; therefore, the codes presented there make use of JavaScript/PHP. To access each of them, click on the corresponding button:

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