The past and the future of bitcoins. A mathematical history

stats con chris


We explain with data why the price of bitcoins has fluctuated over time. We give precise reasons for each event and discuss financial bubbles. Finally, based on this information we forecast the future of bitcoins.

We explain with data why the price of bitcoins has fluctuated over time. We give precise reasons for each event and discuss financial bubbles. Finally, based on this information we forecast the future of bitcoins.

If you had the ability to travel back in time, you might not hesitate to do it to the year 2009. Why? Because the history of bitcoins begins there and if you had been part of it, today you would be a billionaire... Unfortunately you don't have a time machine and you can't travel back; however, knowing the mathematical history of bitcoins you will be able to travel to the future before others, because in said history what will come is hidden and here we are going to predict it...

The article is separated into 3 parts. In the first part we discuss events dating from early 2009 to mid-2013, covering the first three financial bubbles. In the second part we discuss the events from the middle of 2013 to the end of 2017, covering the fourth and fifth financial bubbles. Finally, in the third part we talk about the events that go from the beginning of 2018 to the present, culminating with a mathematical forecast about the outcome of bitcoins. Click on the corresponding link to continue reading (to date, only the first part is available):

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stats con chris

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