The nepy project: Investment, education, and cultural agility

stats con chris


We describe the origin of the YouTube channel @statsconchris and the website We explain what this project is about and set the future goals.

We describe the origin of the YouTube channel @statsconchris and the website We explain what this project is about and set the future goals.

It all started in 2016 when I started sharing my forecasts in a private WhatsApp group. Most of the time my forecast was correct and that's why I wanted to make it public. How could I do it? My passion is writing and that's why a blog was the first thing that I thought of. Because of this, I asked a friend if I could write some articles on his website. He said yes but there was a catch, his website was a scientific blog, so I could not write non-scientific stuff in there. In the WhatsApp group I used to forecast absolutely everything, covering topics such as politics, football, and entertainment, so there was a negligible scientific analysis behind. However, I understood that if I wanted to make it public, I had to add a solid foundation behind. Therefore, to reach such a standard I decided to focus on mathematical predictions. And that's how I started writing my first article: "Linear extrapolation to predict the future of Despacito." If you read it you should keep in mind that, over time, it has been updated. The original version did not have codes written in Python, nor images with high resolution. That came much later when I began to understand the direction of the project.
The first turning point came when I published the third article: "Probability theory in the FIFA World Cup Qualifiers." It became very popular because I talked about football, the most lovable sport in Spanish-speaking countries. Therefore, in subsequent articles I focused on this topic. The World Cup was approaching and this captured all my attention. Along with these events, I chose to upload videos to YouTube, I did it from the first article, except that at the beginning I only uploaded a screenshot of the article and talked about it behind the screen, it was with the World Cup that I decided to record myself.

The second turning point came with the article: "Quantum entanglement and the end of cybersecurity." When I finished writing it in February 2018, it took my friend a long time to upload it to his website, likely because he was very busy doing something else, but thanks to that, I felt the need to have my own space so I could manage my own time and unleash my creativity. I already had written a few articles, so I thought if I start my own website, it won't look so empty after all. I chose the domain because in the Cyrillic alphabet, peru is written quite similar to nepy, and having a name as such would allow me to recall that my project takes a new direction in the year that Peru goes to the World Cup. Precisely, the name appeared because at that time I stamped a shirt with the name of Peru written in Russian, and those who saw it commented that what they read is nepy and not peru. I found it hilarious and that's how I adopted the name... And when the World Cup ended I realized that I had to change because until then my articles had focused on this event. What could I do...?

Before answering this question, I invite you to watch the following video where I explain what the project is about, or also called the stats con chris project, which is the pseudonym I use as the author of the articles. Be aware that the video was published in March 2020; therefore, it reflects what I projected for the future at that time:

(This video is not yet available)

With the end of the World Cup, the third turning point arrived. For this, in 2017 I had already entered the financial world. I had bought shares on the stock market and bitcoins on the cryptocurrency market. Although I wanted to share this information beforehand, I could not do it in my friend's website because it was oriented towards science, but when appeared, the option to do so became an instant thought. I've always loved to teach and share my knowledge, in fact the desire to explain complex things in an elementary way comes naturally to me because I like it, that's why the new approach that I adopted with was to write about all my passions, they would not only be oriented towards mathematical predictions, but they would also encompass physics, programming, and investments. Moreover, seeing myself immersed in constant trips around the world, I thought that I could also talk about these experiences. In this sense, became the niche where I would keep all my intellectual knowledge that I have acquired or will continue to acquire in time. To be organic, the topics to be discussed are given in categories, which are:

Table I: Categories and sub-categories.
Category Sub-category
Investment forex, stock, studies, blog.
Cryptocurrency bitcoin, altcoin, platform.
Education mathematics, physics, programmming, engineering.
Codes html, javascript, bootstrap, php, wordpress, linux, python.
Tutorial formal science, physical science.
Cultural travel.
Entertainment essay, football, literature.

As shown in Table I, each category is divided in sub-categories. Keep in mind that the articles written here are continuously being updated; hence, the one you are reading now shows the latest version of Table I. For reference, the date of the latest update is given below the title of the article. The videos, on the other hand, do not exhibit any updates; therefore, the content in the videos may differ from the content in the articles. This is not a problem because one shows a historical overview while the other is adjusted to deepen the understanding of the concepts. Some articles present codes written in a programming language. These codes can be downloaded for free to have a thorough understanding of the article. To list them all, just click on "Github" in the main menu (under "Tags"). It is important to remark that all what is written here is part of my personal experience, that is, it exhibits original content. The goal of is to have some impact in the future generation. For this reason, the articles given here, although may seem to have complex information, are actually written in a simple way such that they can be easily understood. And although I focus on young people, the topics covered here are relevant to all ages, and that is good because in the end what matters is to share my knowledge.

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stats con chris

A writer who learned to add

A writer who learned to add


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