Basic plugins to improve your WordPress website

stats con chris


A list of WordPress plugins that were used to create the first version of is given. These plugins were used to have a more dynamic interface and improve the loading speed.

A list of WordPress plugins that were used to create the first version of is given. These plugins were used to have a more dynamic interface and improve the loading speed.

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that focuses on easing the administration and creation of web pages. One of its advantages is given in its plugins, which allow you to improve the quality of your website with just one click. This means that installing plugins does not require any programming skills. In this article I won't discuss further what Wordpress is, rather, I will share the list of plugins that I have used on the first version of I have divided them into 3 groups: i) post design, ii) page design and iii) website operation. The first one focuses on giving some style to the text that one writes in a post. The second one seeks to improve the design of the page, and the third one focuses on the functionality of the website, such as improving the loading speed and collecting data from visitors. I recommend these plugins for being complete and simple to use; however, you should keep in mind that over time I stopped using some of them because I opted to write my own code. These codes are given in the article: "Basic codes written to improve your WordPress website."

A summary of this article with some extra info appears in the following video:

(This video is not yet available)

Below I show you the plugins that the first version of used:

Table I: Plugins to improve the post design.

Create image presentations in slide format. Useful when you want to present images that describe steps to follow.

Responsive Accordion & Collapse

Create content that collapses in an accordion format. Useful when you want to reduce the amount of text present in your post.


Create buttons with special effects. In, these buttons were used to link pages within the same post.


Allows you to create responsive tables. Fixes the issue of static tables that are cut off in a mobile screen

Highlighting Code Block

Allows you to style the text in code format using the <code></code> and <pre></pre> tags. Useful for sharing code lines.

Classic Editor

Replaces the Gutenberg editor given in blocks with the classic TinyMCE editor. Ideal for those who like a simple text editor

Advanced Editor Tools

Improve your classic text editor (TinyMCE). It includes the justify button that is, by default, omitted by WordPress.

Table II: Plugins to improve the page design.

Use any image from your WordPress media library as a custom avatar. In the case of, the avatar is the image of statsconchris that appears at the end of each post.

Sassy Social Share

It allows you to create social buttons so that users can share the content on their social networks. Sassy offers a simple and complete design. In the case of these buttons appear at the end of each post.

Email Subscriber & Newsletter

It allows you to create a subscription form to have a record of the users who value your content. In, this post appears in the sidebar of each post.

Woody Code Snippets

Allows you to add PHP code to your posts. Useful if you want to program some dynamic functions.

MathJax - LaTeX

Enable codes in LaTeX. Useful for writing mathematical equations. In case you use long equations, you can place them inside a responsive table, i.e., using also the WP-Responsive-Table plugin.

Table III: Plugins to improve the website operation.
Limit Login Attempts Reloaded

Prevent other users from trying to access your website as an administrator by limiting the number of attempts when typing your username and password.

Post Views Counter

Record the number of visits each post receives. Useful to track the most viewed posts of your website.


Make your site fast and efficient. Cleans the database, compresses images, caches pages, and minimizes files.

Asset CleanUp

Similar to WP-Optimize. It is used because it allows to deactivate a specific plugin in a specific post, in this way, I speed up the loading of the website.

Site Kit by Goggle

Allows you to manage your ads. Useful when you are monetizing your website because this plugin tells you the traffic and the income you are getting from the ads.

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stats con chris

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