How to show a different display based on the select option chosen

stats con chris 2023-02-27 0

We offer two solutions. One with JavaScript and the other with JQuery. To personalize the template, we consider Bootstrap.

Python Machine Learning: Polynomial Regression

joushe info 2022-05-28 0

Previously, the first steps towards Machine Learning were taken. You learned about linear regression using two methods, understanding the math behind it. Well, it's time to ...

Python Machine Learning: Linear Regression (II)

joushe info 2022-05-27 0

Previously, a brief introduction was made on linear regression by the traditional method in order to understand the mathematics behind it. However, Python has built-in machine ...

Python Machine Learning: Linear Regression (I)

jousheinfo 2022-05-26 0

Have you ever felt your phone hears your conversation? For example, you and your friend are talking about new shoes, and then when you pick your ...

Send emails using HTML & CSS. Web programming for beginners

stats con chris 2022-04-30 0

We show the most efficient way to send emails using HTML and CSS. Moreover, we provide examples that you can download for free and modify for ...

Learning to code with the roulette and answering if we are alone in the universe

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

We provide the best strategy to win at roulette. This result is supported with algorithms developed in Matlab. Using them, we proceed to explain if there ...

Import and plot data using the programming language Python

stats con chris 2022-04-29 0

We learn to program in Python using Anaconda. As an example we consider importing text files and processing data to obtain 2-dimensional graphs.

Invest in cryptocurrencies. The math behind the trading fees

stats con chris 2022-04-23 0

Considering the Bitstamp exchange platform, we show the math behind the trading fees and discuss the minimum growth needed to start making profits. The calculations were ...

Python: Numpy array data manipulation

joushe info 2022-04-16 0

Currently more and more companies from different sectors are opting for data science. As was previously seen, due to the fact that we currently work with ...

PHP algorithm to simulate the FIFA World Cup draw

stats con chris 2022-04-16 0

We learn what an algorithm is by defining one that simulates the draw of the FIFA World Cup group stage. Unlike the FIFA draw that uses ...

Linear trends to predict the results of the FIFA World Cup intercontinental playoffs

stats con chris 2022-04-03 0

Considering linear trends, we correctly predict the results of the 2018 FIFA World Cup intercontinental playoffs. In particular, we show that Sweden would be the big surprise ...

The least squares method with Despacito

stats con chris 2022-03-27 0

We develop the least squares method using differential calculus. Then we apply it to determine, through linear extrapolation, the date on which Despacito becomes the most ...

Linear extrapolation to predict the future of Despacito

stats con chris 2022-03-25 0

Considering linear extrapolation, we predict that Despacito becomes the most viewed video on YouTube, reaching the figure of 3 billion views in August 2017. Officially it did it ...


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